Frequently asked questions

Do I need to be fit or flexible to try Iyengar Yoga?

Iyengar yoga is for anyone irrespective of age, gender, health, religion and circumstances in life. A distinctive feature of Iyengar yoga is the use of equipment, called props, to enable a student to develop strength, flexibility and control in a posture in order to achieve their full potential. In this way a student works to his or her maximum ability within a general mixed class. I am trained to select the correct prop and to supervise the individual student.

I have never done Yoga before, what class is suitable for me?

My Monday and Thursday classes cater for all levels- from some experience to absolutely none so you can join either class. I demonstrate each pose first then we go through them together so don’t worry if you are completely new to yoga!

What should I wear?

We do Yoga in our bare feet and most people appreciate forewarning of this. Wear comfortable clothing like shorts, T-shirt, leggings, jogging bottoms etc.

Should I drink water during the class or eat before the class?

You should not drink water during class, sometimes it makes you feel ill. Make sure you are well hydrated beforehand. Don't eat a large meal before yoga (or any exercise). If you are having a meal it should be 4 hours before or a light snack can be eaten 2 hours before. I certainly wouldn't eat anything before because you are likely to feel ill or nauseous which will affect your ability.

Is there parking at the school?

 If you are coming by car there is plenty of car parking inside St Brides Primary school, but the janitor sometimes doesn't arrive until after 6.20pm to allow us inside, so don't come too early unless you are coming by car, especially in the winter months.

Do I need to bring anything with me?

I have spare mats and equipment for newcomers to borrow, most people buy their own mat eventually. Iyengar yoga uses equipment so that everyone can access the postures, it often improves and refines our posture. If you have your own mat please ensure it is non-slip on the floor and underfoot. We don't use over-padded Pilates mats. Slippy mats are dangerous and you will pull muscles trying to prevent slipping rather than doing your Yoga properly.

What if I arrive late?

The class begins at 6.30pm prompt, so everyone arrives 5-10 minutes earlier to get organised with their mat & equipment. If you arrive late to class, you should still come into the school and wait outside the doors of the hall until we are finished with the opening relaxation at the beginning of the class. This is where we sit crossed legs, hands into chest and observe the breath. When our hands are down and eyes open you can enter the class. Thank for paying attention to this, as it can be distracting to others to have the door opening and bags rustling.  

Can I practise Yoga while I have my period?

Yes. Tell me at the start of class as some postures are not suitable. Alternatives can be given to help alleviate cramps and discomfort.

I have a medical condition, can I still do Yoga?

You should inform me at the start of class if you have a medical condition, such as recovering from a recent operation, hypertension, heart problems, high or low blood pressure, back, neck, shoulder or knee problems or menstrual disorders. There are many health benefits from doing Yoga. 

What is Iyengar Yoga?

Iyengar yoga is characterised by precision and alignment in the execution of the postures(asana), sequencing of the asana towards a desired result, timing in the length of time the asanas are held for maximum benefit, and the use of props if required to help a student gain the maximum benefit from each asana. Iyengar yoga concentrates on the alignment of your posture and body awareness.  If the body is aligned with precision then the breath is aligned with the same precision. If the breath is balanced then the mind, emotions and senses become balanced.


This information has been adapted from The Iyengar Yoga Institute(UK).